How to keep chickens productive in summer?

Hot weather will make the body temperature of laying hens rise, blood circulation speed up, the body will lose too much water and nutrients. All these factors will affect the physiological regulation and metabolic function in laying hens’ bodies, which will lead to a decline in their egg production or even stop laying eggs. In order to maintain a high production situation, you need to do the following aspects of the problem:

Prevent heatstroke and cool down

1. Turn on the light in the middle of the night and drink some water
The heat dissipation of the chicken is needed to ensure the water. Before turning off the lights at night and turning on the lights the next day, turn on the lights for 30-60 minutes and let the chickens drink water, which can avoid heat death of chickens.
2.Spray water to cool down
Every day at 11:00 am to 16:00 pm the hottest time, that is, the house temperature more than 33 ℃, with a sprayer or spray machine to the top of the chicken coop and the chicken body spray water, chicken body spray cooling to be in the head of the chicken above the 30-40 cm spray cool water has the best effect, and the smaller the droplets, the better, at the same time in the spraying of water to ensure that the chicken coop air flow, it is best to take a longitudinal ventilation, to prevent high temperature and high humidity in the house ( Stuffy).
3. Add the drug to reduce heatstroke
Drinking water inside the addition of heat stroke medication, can effectively prevent heat stress, play the role of heat stroke.

Appropriate adjustment of feeding mode

Poultry feeding in summer is reduced, the nutritional long-term supply is insufficient, egg production or growth rate will naturally decline, so
1, add the proportion of fats and oils added to the feed is 5-10;
2, the appropriate increase in the amount of soybean meal added to feed, to meet the body’s demand for protein;
3, the morning feeding time to advance, feeding the amount to be larger, to promote the chicken feed increased;
4, do not feed mold;
5, always ensure that the chicken can drink a sufficient amount of cool water.

Prevent the occurrence of salpingitis

Oviductitis is a common disease in laying hens, with a variety of clinical manifestations, but all of which are characterized by a decline in egg production rate of laying hens, and an increase in thin-shelled eggs, soft-shelled eggs, sand-shelled eggs, blood-spotted eggs, misshapen eggs, fecal eggs, white-shelled eggs, and small-sized eggs as the main symptom. Prevention and treatment methods include:
1、 Strengthen feeding management: improve poultry house hygiene, and do a good job of daily disinfection.
2、Protect the safety of drinking water: provide clean and hygienic water, regularly flush and disinfect the water line.
3、Reasonable matching of diets: ensure nutritional balance, avoid excessive pursuit of egg mass resulting in difficult to lay.
4、Timely isolation and inspection of sick chickens: carry out isolation inspection and treatment of sick chickens.
5、Scientific use of drugs: use appropriate drugs for treatment.
6、Use probiotics and other treatments: prevent and treat salpingitis by supplementing intestinal probiotics and controlling harmful bacteria.

The quantity and quality of eggs laid by laying hens are affected by many factors. And hot weather is one of the very important factors, which will greatly affect the physiological regulation and metabolic function in laying hens, so it is necessary to take scientific management measures to maintain a suitable environment in order to maintain their good production performance.      Email:



Post time: Jul-26-2024