What are the black chicken breeds?

Have you heard of black chicken? Such as the old yard black chicken, five black chicken, etc., not only meat is delicious, but also has medicinal value, market prospects. Black chicken varieties are better, not many diseases, today we will talk about this topic of black chicken for your reference.

First, what are the black chicken varieties?
There are many varieties of black chicken, each with its own unique characteristics and uses. Here are some common black chicken breeds:
Silk-feathered Ruddy Chicken: These chickens have fluffy feathers in a variety of colors, but the face and skin are black with a dark gray or blue-gray beak, legs and flesh. They do not like wet weather because their fluffy feathers are not as waterproof as those of other chickens.
White-crowned Black Glow Chicken: Native to Poland, this chicken is distinguished by its oily black feathers and white crown. They have a gentle temperament and are a **pet and ornamental chicken breed.
Black Schumann’s Chicken: This is a rare breed native to the Black Schumann region of Bulgaria. They have white skin, black feathers and a red crown with a greenish tinge.
Old Courtyard Black Chicken: Named after Old Courtyard Town, Wanyuan City, Sichuan Province, this chicken has black feathers with emerald green luster. These chickens are used for both meat and eggs, and some of them have bean crowns. They are named by the Chinese Academy of Sciences as “rare in the world, unique in China, and peculiar to Wanyuan”, and are known as the source of life and green food.
Ayam Semani Chicken: This is the “blackest” of all black chickens. It is native to several islands in Indonesia. Due to the genetic disease fibro-pigmentation that causes hyperpigmentation, this chicken has black feathers, skin, beak, claws and meat.

Second, what are the common diseases of black chickens?
There are a number of disease problems that black chickens may encounter during the breeding process, which **commonly** include:
Black Chicken Colds: this is usually caused by poor insulation during brooding, rain or cooling due to weather changes. Colds may lead to a decrease in the chickens’ resistance and secondary infections with other diseases, which can increase mortality.
Salmonellosis in black chickens: Insufficiently strict seed purification and unstable temperatures in the brooder room may lead to the development of salmonellosis. The main symptoms of this disease are white diarrhea, fluffy feathers, dehydration and gradual death of chicks.
To prevent and treat these diseases, farmers need to keep the chicken house clean and dry, provide suitable temperature and ventilation conditions, and administer timely vaccination and medication.


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Post time: May-29-2024